Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How can you tell if it's the timing belt gone bad on a 1993 Toyota Camry?

My car just cut off and would not restart. It sounds like it wants to start but doesn't. I have replaced the distributor, rotor, and cap. I had the alternator checked. It does not get any spark when tested. Is it the timing belt or possibly what else?How can you tell if it's the timing belt gone bad on a 1993 Toyota Camry?By removing the valve cover have someone bump the starter switch. If the camshafts don't turn the timing belt is broken.How can you tell if it's the timing belt gone bad on a 1993 Toyota Camry?if it was the timing belt you would hear that annoying rubbing/buzzing noise they make when your car tries to turn over.How can you tell if it's the timing belt gone bad on a 1993 Toyota Camry?IT'S A SPARK PROBLEM!!!!

If you don't have spark that makes it an ignition problem, not a belt problem. A broken T-belt is not going to cause ignition failure.How can you tell if it's the timing belt gone bad on a 1993 Toyota Camry?I do believe the distributor on that engine is driven by one of the cams, if that is the case simply remove the cap and have someone turn the engine over with the key and see if the rotor turns, if it does it's not the t-belt, if it doesn't it is, also that engine is an interference engine so if the belt breaks you will bend the valves, you then are looking at removing the head and assesing damage, it's possible to just bend the valves, so then they will need to be replaced, it's also possible to break the valves and send the broken pieces through the pistons or the head casting, it's also possible to bend connecting rods, if any of that happens it's cheapest and best to replace the engine. if the distiributor does not turn the pcm will not see a tach signal and there will be no sparkHow can you tell if it's the timing belt gone bad on a 1993 Toyota Camry?if it was the timing belt then it would backfire and also hard turning over. you say no spark? check the coil and module. they can go without any warning.How can you tell if it's the timing belt gone bad on a 1993 Toyota Camry?You need to verify that your camshafts are turning when the engine is turning. Sometimes you can see the camshafts by loking through the oil fill cap on dual overhead cam engines. you will ahve to take stuff apart or borrow one of those tiny probing cameras form somebody who has enough money to keep one in his garage, iv always wanted one of those.

If your timing belt snapped, its likely that the motor destroyed itself from the pistons bending the valves, and you will need to fix that as well.

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