I am looking for a free website that gives instructions on how to replace a timing belt in a 1997 Kia Sportage.Is there any where I can find instructions on how to replace a timing belt in a 97 Kia Sportage for free?Overview of entire belt system
Crank mark
Camshaft marks
theres the timing marks for the crank and the cam gears.
drain radiator and remove upper radiator hose, Remove air inlet duct. Remove fan retaining bolts from water pump pulley. Remove fan shroud mounting bolts, now you can slide the fan and shroud out together. Remove all fan belts and water pump pulley. Rotate the crankshaft clockwise until number 1 piston is at the top, %26quot;TDC%26quot; of its compression stroke. Remove cranksaft pulley bolt, then remove pulley. Remove upper and lower timin belt covers.
Ensure camshaft sprockets and crankshaft sproket timing marks are aligned as in the photos I provided.
Camshaft timing marks are an %26quot;I%26quot; on the intake camshaft sprocket and %26quot;E%26quot; on the exhaust camshaft sprocket. See the second photo I provided. Loosen the timing belt tensioner %26quot;lock%26quot; bolt. Move tensioner away from belt with spring fully extended. Temporarily tighten the bolt back so it holds the tensioner away from the belt. Remove the belt. Replace belt keeping the marks in alignment. Release the tensioner lock bolt and let it slide itself backup against the belt. When doing this make sure the side of the belt oposite the tensioner is staying tight. ANother words, the side that goes from the exhaust cam to the crankshaft. Make sure that stays tight while releasing the tentioner that will tighten the belt on its side. with keepin the timing marks lined up. Ensure the camshaft sprockets do not move while doing this.
Tighten the tentioner lock bolt back down. DO hand crank the motor a couple times and then recheck the timing marks before putting this all back together.
Theres a slight amount of belt deflection (the amount of room the belt has (play) when pusing it back and forth. It shouldnt be sloppy.
If you have a belt deflection tool, the setting would be at 22 lbs pressure the belt should have .30 to .33%26quot; amount of deflection.
To hand crank the motor, just reinstall the crank bolt and use your socket to hand crank the motor, this is way more easily performed with the spark plugs OUT of the motor. The motor will spin much easier this way. Make sure you hand crank the motor a few times around, other words, the crank mark goes at least 4 times around. This will ensure there is no problem and everything is lined up properly.
Reinstall everything and have fun!Is there any where I can find instructions on how to replace a timing belt in a 97 Kia Sportage for free?No free websites for that, go buy a timing belt book and it will show you how to do it, also make sure you replace the water pump at the same time as well as timing belt tensioner.Is there any where I can find instructions on how to replace a timing belt in a 97 Kia Sportage for free?Buy the $25 Haynes repair manual and put it to use. When you sell the car or get rid of it throw it in as a bonus.
Changing a timing belt for a novice mechanic is not wise.
But that decision is yours.
If you listen to %26quot;Baldie%26quot; and turn your crank to top dead center with the valves protruding down into a cylinder you will bend valves and possibly poke a hole in your piston.
This is why I caution you on trying things that may be beyond your ability.
Buy the manual and read - and if you try to do it yourself then follow the instructions to a %26quot;T%26quot; . No joke - the last thing you want is to create more repair than you already have.
The #1 cylinder should be turned to %26quot;top dead center at the very beginning of the process on the combustion stroke(with both intake and exhaust valves closed).Is there any where I can find instructions on how to replace a timing belt in a 97 Kia Sportage for free?ok, you have a crank and cam . take the old belt off, after you loosen the tensioner, turn the crank at (0)top dead center on the crank, go to the cam gear and line the dot or arrow at the guage hole, put something like a drill bit in the guage hole to keep the gear from turning, put the belt on and tighten the tensioner. put the cover back on and start your car. ive did it before on many cars. or like the others said, go pick up a hanes book at auto zone, and it tells you step by step how to do it.Is there any where I can find instructions on how to replace a timing belt in a 97 Kia Sportage for free?Fredj has the most correct answer. Along with his instruction,I would buy a shop manual for your car anyway. It'll come in handy in the future. It's allot of work, so buy the best parts you can and take your time so you won't need to do it again.
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